Personal Assistant Pricing for Business
My charges range from £18 - £25
per hour, I am happy to provide a no obligation quote for any work.
Example prices include:
• Research from £18
per hour
• Organisation/Admin from £18
per hour
• Finance activities from £21
per hour
• Marketing activities from £21
per hour
• Create a branded Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn,Twitter) Page from £45
• Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn campaigns from £75
Personal Assistant Prices at Home
My charges range from £12 - £20 per hour, I am happy to provide a no obligation quote for any work.
Example prices include:
• Gas and Electricity prices £12
per hour
• Phone and Broadband prices £12
per hour
• Mobile phone prices £12
per hour
• Party planning from £20
per hour
• Holiday research from £20
per hour
• Errand running from £12
per hour
• Home filing reorganisation from £20
per hour
• Reminder service from £20
per hour
Prices exclude travel (45 pence per mile) and any incidental costs incurred as part of any tasks.